Most experts agree that the following people should have their cholesterol checked:
Anyone who has strong risk factors for heart disease
People who have a strong family history of heart disease
Men ages 35 to 65
Women ages 45 to 65
An adult who has coronary artery disease (CAD) should have a cholesterol test at least once a year.
An adult who is being treated for high cholesterol may need more frequent tests, depending on his or her cholesterol level and the type of treatment being used.
An adult who has diabetes should be tested once a year.
Adults and children with a family history of very high cholesterol levels or early-onset CAD may need more frequent tests and may need to begin tests at an earlier age. In some cases, a special test may be done to check for inherited lipid disorders.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has guidelines for lipid disorder screening for various age groups. There are also cholesterol screening guidelines for children and teens.
Public cholesterol testing can be convenient and helpful. However, most doctors will want to verify public test results. Because the doctor can evaluate risk factors and provide counseling, having your cholesterol level checked during a doctor visit is the preferred method.